Clara and Monica tell us about the purchasing office

Clara Cerri and Monica Lanini open the doors of Tecsystem's purchasing office, where they are the queens. Monica is the 'veteran', in this role for the last 14 years, Clara has joined her only two years ago, but has already become invaluable.

The first thing they say is how symbiotic their work is: the exchanges are continuous, necessary and enriching, and they really give the feeling that they can always find new and better solutions. But it is not just a feeling: their contribution is decisive and helps determine the final quality of each Tecsystem product, as Marco Calevro, decision-maker and coordinator of their work, confirms.

How does the purchasing department contribute to the quality of Tecsystem?

"With diligent and proactive product scouting," says Clara. "Sometimes very specific requests come from the technical department, in other cases one of our tasks is to search for improved and innovative solutions."
"The company's trend is in the direction of growth, and we not only have to keep up with its Internationalisation, but we have to facilitate and simplify it," adds Monica, who has definitely seen the company's growth happen.

And how do you promote Internationalisation from here?

"By learning the use of new tools, such as the management system which - since 2011 - we have introduced and which every day allows us to be precise, prompt and timely even with document management," explains Monica.
"Or with the training courses we use to keep up to date with regulations, customs and international standards that make us effective," adds Clara.

Seeing them so smiling and united, we wonder where they find their satisfaction. And it is not surprising to hear them answer in the same way: working well, every day, in an environment that rewards you for every effort, that looks at you as a family would, that knows how to thank and recognise.

"I felt accepted and welcomed from my first interview," Monica recalls, " years have gone by but the friendly relationship of that time is the same today as it was then.
"I, on the other hand, was a bit anxious," explains Clara with a smile, "because I had come from a long stay in another company and changing was like a jump without a parachute. But Tecsystem was able to make the most of my experience."

Here is another essential component of the perfect machine that is Tecsystem.
And we are not talking about mathematical perfection, static changeless, but about the humanone: propulsive, creative, which every day grows, reorganises itself and rejoices in doing well.