Sales department: a cohesive and focused team

‘Money is on the way,’ used to say Roberto Conca, the company's founder. And Tecsystem's sales team has embraced and adopted this proactive philosophy and seems to be unstoppable.
Its growth is evident. In the last twenty years it has doubled its membership and covered the five continents, and talking to them, it is clear that they are driven to build, to discover, to improve.

Andrea Lorusso

Andrea celebrated his 14th birthday at Tecsystem in May. 
He tells us that he has started in the backoffice and marketing, but was assigned directly by our dear president to the sales department.
‘Mr Conca assigned me half the world,’ he tells us, reminding his first assignment in the territory. ‘Then, as the sales office expanded, other colleagues joined the team and territories were redistributed more widely, redrawing the areas of responsibility.’
Today, Andrea's ‘world’ is wide and diversified: he looks after manufacturers in Tuscany, Lombardy and Basilicata, Spain, Mexico, Austrialia and South America, as well as sales for the Tecsystem subsidiary in Brazil. 
An extensive area? 
‘I like travelling, meeting people and cultures and, in my job, helping to extend and consolidate our presence in these areas, as happened in Mexico, something I am very proud of’.

Claudio Colombo

Claudio has been working at Tecsystem for 8 years. When he arrived he was already familiar with the world of power transformers and was honoured by the invitation he received to join the Sales team. 
His ‘area’ is part of continental Europe (and since a year and a half also the USA). 
He deals with end-users, OEM distributors and agents, providing support and solutions for any need involving Tecsystem products.
‘ This often means finding new solutions, tailored to specific customer needs. It is challenging, always new, and very satisfying work, especially because, in the end, the benefit is mutual. Like during one of the last trade fairs we attended: seated at the round table of our stand were three leading figures from different continents from a famous multinational company, in an almost family-like atmosphere’.

Irene Lisi

Irene celebrated her 18th birthday in the company last year: ‘I've come of age’, she jokes, but really, hearing her talk about the personal and corporate evolution that has taken place over the last few years, you get the feeling of a great growth.
She is in charge of the Italy and EU backoffice, and takes care of installers, end users and dealers in these areas.
Her responsibilities cover order entry and offer processing up to the necessary support for logistics and administration.
Since being hired, she has gained experience in the foreign sales back office, and even in the purchasing department. 
‘All this experience has enabled me to acquire skills that are very useful to me today in my work, which has changed a lot. In the beginning we were just a few, now we are a large and well-structured network, with digital support systems that allow us to be close to our customers almost in real time’.
And if we ask Irene about her greatest success, we get an answer that confirms, despite the company's growth, its family dimension: 
‘Here every personal success, belongs to everyone.’

Luca Magistrelli 

Luca has been in charge of the commercial back office Italy - for manufacturers - and extra-EC since 2016. 
‘The satisfactions that my job gives are daily: we overcome any criticality relying on mutual support with the ultimate goal of customer satisfaction, which, when it is explicit, really gives special moments.’
And if we ask Luca to find a particular moment when he felt fulfilled in the company, the feeling of welcome, reciprocity and value that is typical of Tecsystem returns: ‘I remember with joy the day I was hired on a permanent basis: I felt invested with responsibility and trust, I felt chosen!’

Massimo Biasin

Truly a life at Tecsystem: ‘26 years out of 26,’ he says.
Massimo's family roots are closely linked to the company and this has allowed him to observe the company from afar during his studies and personal work experience, then ever more closely during his internships and finally with his actual employment.
‘During high school, with the curricular internships, I almost travelled through almost all the departments, from the warehouse to production, and finally to administration, thanks to my studies in the field’.
The real entry into the company came in 2018, in the purchasing department.
‘At the beginning, my day was divided between purchasing and production, which was very useful because today, as I am completely dedicated to sales, I am able to guide customers by establishing the timing and feasibility of requests, with a technical point of view that adds value’.
Today, Massimo deals with end users, resellers and installers for central-northern Italy, and if we ask him what the difficulties of his job are, he smiles and responds by humming the fire fighters' hymn The Fireman Is Not Afraid: “we are a real team, any critical issue is dealt with serenely because we can count on the support of our colleagues”.

Roberto Perazzoli

In Tecsystem for 17 years, Roberto joined the company in 2007 as a technician, then moved to the sales area, and is currently responsible for the Central and Eastern European market, as far as Turkey and Russia.
Roberto likes numbers, as a good engineer, and this is how he tells us about the evolution of the Tecsystem sales network in recent years: ‘we have doubled the number of employees dedicated to sales in order to support and manage over 1800 active customers each year, with a database that records 6000 customers and over 16000 contacts, with more than 3000 offers and 4000 orders per year’.
If we ask him to explain these numbers Roberto says: ‘expansion is in the DNA of the founders that we fully share. We operate on 5 continents, always with the goal of customer proximity. This means investment and commitment, but it has always been our direction.’

Although the sales team, both in the field and in the back office, is clearly structured by geographic area, the perception is that they are always a cohesive and well-coordinated group, where territorial boundaries disappear in front of mutual support and common goals.

This is also Tecsystem's strength.